Category Archives: Wordpress

How Do It Know?

Updated the sidebar massively, after realizing that the little icon to the right of the “widget” rectangle allows more customization. It is something else.

I especially like the consolidation of the archives and categories. It is now a drop down, and even shows how many posts are in a certain category (such as “graves”) or month.

Enjoy the new look.

What’s Up With WordPress

1. My funky banner is GONE AGAIN.

2. I still cannot upload graphics from the window below the Post window.

Anyone having this problem?

Where’d the Graphics Loader Go?

I went out and got 2 thumbnails for the last post. The field where you can browse and upload your pictures is GONE! So no pictures for you! WordPress people what is the deal?

Maybe this has something to do with my customized CBB banner featuring a cheesesteak mysteriously DISAPPEARING! Give it back! I don’t have time to upload it again!

Feed Stats???

What happened to the Feed Stats button? I can’t tell who is looking at the blog day to day. What’s going on here?

Experiment: Disabled Comment Firewall

Ok, those who would like to post comments without joining the WordPress community have a brief window to do so… I expect to do some major spam weeding but let’s see what happens here.

In other news, it is 1030pm, I am in my 3rd floor apartment and the wind is whipping outside. My fingers and toes are freezing. Not fun. No consolation knowing that it is about 15 degrees colder for everyone in the midwest!

In final news, soaking prayer was pretty good this evening as usual… with one exception: “Dino” the TBN version of Liberace (mister fountains a’bubbling, Baldwin grand ivory-tickling) piano guy does NOT count as an approved Soaking Prayer artist. They keep playing some track with him, the piano, a really poor clarinet voice from a synthesizer, and a drum kit. Amazing that I can still receive anything – you know soaking prayer is powerful if you can get past artificial sounds and a drum kit!

One Bad Thing About WordPress

You can’t comment on a wordpress blog without creating an account! That is annoying to many of my anonymous readers. If anyone knows of a mod for this please share!