Daily Archives: April 17, 2007

Damage Control…

BTW, the previous post on Philadelphia city taxes was not intended to dissuade intercessors from moving here!

The Cheesesteak Challenge is still a possibility for you. cheesesteak challenge

Having the only handful of Authentic Cheesesteak Establishments (ACEs) in the world will surely take a bite out of the “pay to pray” culture here (pun not originally intended, but sustained). I did move INTO the city because I believe my prayers are more effective if it costs me something, and I am definitely feeling the pain right now!

cheesesteakHowever my favorite cheesesteak joint is down the street and I have recently thought up a new proposal for the city… to be disclosed in a future post of course!

john kerry eating a cheesesteak for votes in philadelphia he would have gotten anywayHere is that shot of John Kerry attempting to eat a cheesesteak during the last election year. And what elf has been causing Kerry/Edwards stickers to disappear from all those cars out there?


Warning: Theraputic “dumping” disguised as a blog post:

Well I’m a’gonna be late on my taxes. Not the Fed or State, but LOCAL.


I lived in 3 cities in PA in 2006. They all have conflicting standards and rules. One employer (in town #2)  screwed up my local, sending it to the wrong suburb and when I brought it up, a misguided employee explained it incorrectly and gullible me believed it. That’s a minor issue though.

I have a matter of conscience. The City of Philadelphia (town #3)  imposes a 4.3% tax on all residents. If you also work in the city it is even higher. This rate is higher than the State of PA and (one thing I didn’t realize) is not subject to Deductions, as is Fed and State.

So I could go with what town #1 wanted (town #1 has a 1.65% rate) and prorate my earnings (saving Hundreds of $$$ from Philadelphia’s taxes) or pay the 4.3% to Philadelphia of the money I earned as I have lived there. Go figure. I’m waiting to consult an advisor on this one, and will pay theturbotax fee.

TurboTax, you can’t help me out with this one.

  • I’m sure NONE of my readers have had tax issues this year?